Trust you've had a great summer! At Bristo, we are redeveloping in a big way. We are seriously committed to being:
Rooted in Christ
Relational as church
Reaching for community
We really believe that the key to forming healthy community today is to be rooted in Christ, relating in the way that He enables and teaches. You'll see that at Bristo we are re-evaluating our Building and its suitability for present-day use: we're committed to either redeveloping on the present site or relocating to another one. Also, we are relocating our manse and also looking to develop a community house that will serve the needs of those recovering from addictions and looking to step back into community life in society. We really believe that Jesus is the answer. So come among us if you're looking to be made whole, to become active and nourished as a disciple of Jesus Christ, a committed and useful member of society.