Thursday, 6 August 2009

New Season dates

This Sunday, we have a church lunch. If you're around, please plan to be there. Here, also, are a list of dates for some special events planned in the coming 2 months:

Saturday August 29th - Bristo 'clean up' Saturday with lunch
Very practical! Getting the buildings 'shipshape and Bristo fashion' for the new session.

Saturday September 12th - Bethany sponsoring charity walk
Having fun, fellowship, exercise and raising funds for Bethany Christian Trust together!

Saturday September 19th - Church Bar-B-Q
A Church Barbecue at Vogrie Country Park, around 12 miles from the City Centre. It's a beautiful site with lots to do (play area, golf course, cafe, walled garden to mention a few) and you can find out more about it here: We have booked a barbecue site from 11am until 3pm and plan to meet at the church at 10:45am, prior to travelling there.

Friday 2nd - Saturday 3rd October - Bristo Prayer Retreat
A chance to take an overnight away in Pitlochrie at the Atholl Centre, to meet with God together and to commit our ways to Him.